Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Silly Lil Divas

I thought that I would share two funny stories from our weekend. I drove the girls over to Grandma and Grandpa's house on my own. During the drive, I found my self trying to explain to Abbie that it isn't safe for Mommy to rub her belly while driving, especially during a rain storm. Abbie wasn't having any part of my explanation. She would just roll over to show me her belly and give me her sad puppy face....which she has mastered. I didn't give in as our safety is most important, until we arrived at a red light.

Maggie and Abbie were very excited not only to get going to Grandma and Grandpa's this weekend, but because their Daddy came home from his business trip. My fiancé told me that Sunday he woke up and Maggie was sleeping on his pile of dirty clothes on our bedroom floor. He got out of bed to bring Maggie back to our bed. While he was standing up and making his way half asleep to grab Maggie, Maggie ran up the doggie steps to our bed and layed down in his stop. He believes that Maggie moved to the floor because she wanted his spot. I should add that while he was away, Maggie slept next to me in his stop.

My silly little divas are always cracking me up! They make life so interesting :)


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