Tuesday, May 11, 2010

To Trim Or Not To Trim....

To trim or not to trim....that is the question. I've been debating taking Maggie and Abbie to our groomer for a slight summer trim. Both my girls are in full coat, aka their coats are to the floor. Living in South Florida, it gets very hot and humid during the summer, which is one reason I'm considering trimming the girls coats. I'm not thinking anything drastic, but more like just a few inches off to make their lives and mine easier for the summer. Then, by winter both girls coats will have grown back out. I groom both girls myself and they have both only been to the groomer once. Our groomer is great. Both times I took either Maggie or Abbie either, the followed my instructions to a tee.

I'm looking to get some opinions, so what do you think? Should I take Maggie and Abbie for a trim?


Rhonda - aka "toydogmom" said...

Hi, Melissa ~

I know a lot of you keep the babies in full coats, and they are extremely beautiful ... but since you're already considering trimming them a bit because of hot weather & humidity, I say go for it! Both my Silky Terrier and Maltese (Mimi) are kept in very moderate lengths for about half the year. Let me say that we live in Atlanta! When it starts getting warm, we do puppy cuts and then I let it grow back in the fall. It's definitely cooler for them. :-)

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